Ep. 105 Building a Happy Service-Based Business


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 There’s no exact blueprint for building a happy business.

 No two people have the same lifestyle, the same family situation, or the same desires, so it makes sense that solopreneurship looks a little different for everyone.

We’re all completely unique beings, but when we’re first getting our businesses off the ground, we’re constantly looking for clues from the entrepreneurs - watching them on social media and seeing their routines, their marketing, and their services. 

 We start to think that if our routines don’t look like theirs or we’re not showing up in the same way, that we’re doing it wrong. That feeling can lead us to making decisions that ultimately don’t work with our lives or our hearts.

 One thing that I’m incredibly passionate about as a virtual assistant coach is helping service providers build happy businesses from the inside/out - (i.e. considering our whole selves as we’re designing our businesses.)

 In this episode, I’m sharing my tried-and-true ways to build a business that lights you up and keeps you inspired and engaged!

Tune in if you’re ready to ditch any underlying ickiness when it comes to your clients and your work and be on your way to achieving business bliss!

Finding Your Deepest Intention for Your Business (i.e. Your North Star)

 You need to find your deepest intention for your business. You might have heard the phrase “Find your why”, but I like to call it my North Star. This is a phrase that you hear coaches and thought leaders use to describe that thing that motivates us and points us in the right direction. 

 My North Star has always been freedom. Freedom to be myself, freedom to choose my own schedule, freedom to bend and flow with the seasons, freedom to be present with my family. That is what I'm always searching for in my business. 

 When you're working on determining your North Star, you need to think past just income goals or past what kind of work you want to do and you really want to think about the way you want your life and business to feel. 

 Do you want to feel jam packed and busy? Do you want to feel more flowy and open? It looks different for everyone. When we can determine the way that we want our business to feel, we can start to make all of our decisions in support of that feeling.

 In the Happy Business Reset, we’ll be taking inventory of your current offers and clients to make sure they're in line with your deepest intention for your business.  

Self Care

A couple of years ago, self-care was such a buzz word. Everyone was talking about self-care with pictures of bubble baths and going to the spa. For a long time, I thought that self-care meant carving out large blocks of time for myself. (Which is definitely important!)

 But what I was missing was the key part, which is that self-care should be integrated into every part of our daily lives and every part of our business. 

 There's different ways that self-care can look as we go about our day as business owners:

 Routines and Rituals: Find a rhythm to your day. The key way to get started is to find a consistent and nourishing way to start your day and end your day. 

 Boundaries: You need to set boundaries for yourself about how much you want to work and when you want to work. Then you should set boundaries for your clients, about how reachable you are and about your services. This is a key form of self-care because if we don't set boundaries, it's so easy for our work to bleed into our daily life and that's not going to make a happy business.

 Automation & Outsourcing: You really shouldn’t be spending time on the things that don't make you happy. If you continually do tasks that drain you, it takes all the joy out of your business. First, automate as much as you can and then slowly start to outsource tasks.

 In the Happy Business Reset, we’ll be examining how you show up in your daily life to make sure that you’re designing an intentional routine that supports your happiness.  

Doing Less

A very powerful shift happened in my business when I read Kate Northrup's book Do Less. I am someone who goes all in on everything. I'm pretty extra. If I'm marketing, I want to try all the strategies and add in everything I can. 

 Then I read this book by Kate Northrup and it was about making sure you're focusing your attention on the things that make the most results in your business. I had this light bulb go off where I realized I was doing so many things in my business because I thought I should be doing it that way.

 I realized there were so many things that I could cut out. When you cut out even a small thing, you open that mental focus up for the things that matter. 

 In the Happy Business Reset, we’ll take a look at your marketing strategies to make sure you’re putting your energy in the right places.

Embracing Seasons

 If you know anything about me, you know that I am not an entrepreneur who likes the word hustle. I don't believe that pushing works….except during the times that it does. 

 I have found that there have been seasons in my business where I have had a burst of energy with a new idea and I know I'm going to have to push through to get it out there. 

 Then I definitely have seasons in my business where I want to retreat a little bit and spend more time with creation, more time with planning and reflecting.

 When we can start to recognize these seasons that happen in our business, we can release judgment of ourselves.  

Having Cheerleaders Behind You

I've noticed something really powerful in The Support Squad Membership. I've noticed that the people that show up and participate are the virtual assistants that not only find more success in their business, but also seem more energized, lit up and happy!

 It's empowering to be in contact with other people that are working towards the same goals as you are. In our daily lives, it's difficult to find people that understand the unique joys and struggles of being a business owner. 

 I really recommend that you find your own community of like-minded business owner types. The Support Squad Membership is closed right now, but we'll be opening at the end of the month. Click here to join the waitlist.

 Community will be a big part of the Happy Business Reset. Get ready to connect with other service providers!

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Ready to bring more sparkle & shine into your day-to-day?

 Join me August 25-27 for the Happy Business Reset - a FREE 3-day workshop to help you create a more happy, productive, and profitable service-based biz.


Each day you’ll get a workbook and a live training with me where we’ll cover a different area of your biz.

 From daily habits to your offers & clients to your marketing strategy.

 It’s time to get your happy back! Join us August 25-27. 

 Click here to register for free.


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