Ep. 076 Making the Transition from VA to OBM and Getting Strategic with 2021 Planning with Alexis Fortier


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Every virtual assistant eventually reaches a stage in their business where it’s time to uplevel.  

That uplevelling can look a little different for everyone, but one natural transition that a virtual assistant can make is into a more strategic role as an online business manager. 

No one has made that transition more gracefully and successfully than Alexis Fortier, my guest on the podcast today. 

Today she’s here to share with us the differences between a virtual assistant and online business manager and how to tell if you’re ready to shift into that role. She’s also going to share her secrets for prepping and planning for a new year. This conversation is just what we need as we get ready for 2021!

Let me tell you a little bit about Alexis: 

Alexis Fortier is an online business manager and systems strategist who helps online coaches and service-based entrepreneurs optimize their systems and manage their time so they can make bank and scale their empire with ease. Alexis loves helping passionate, heart-centered entrepreneurs design the business of their dreams while maintaining their freedom and sanity in the process!

Connect with Alexis: Website | Instagram | Free Guide to Defining Your Mission, Vision, Values

Tune in to hear: 

  • The differences between an online business manager and a virtual assistant - and how to know if you’re ready to make the transition
  • Why quarterly planning helps you to take a more targeted and intuitive approach to your business
  • The fun and unique hobby that Alexis is loving right now!

Highlights from this episode:

On the difference between a VA and an OBM:

“An online business manager is there to help you manage your business. Whereas a VA is there to help you complete very specific tasks within the business.” 

On transitioning from VA to OBM:

“Once you start to notice yourself coming up with all these ideas and going to the business owner and saying, "Hey, we should do X, Y, Z." That's when you start to realize like, "Ooh, I'm kind of moving into new territory.”

 On strategically planning for a new year:

“I feel like quarterly planning is where it's at. I choose an overarching theme for the year and then really get specific in the quarters because things can change so much in a quarter.”

 Subscribe to The Support Squad Podcast: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | YouTube

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