Ep. 106 The Power of Structure for Creative Entrepreneurs


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Structure and creativity - they seem like opposing ideas, right?

 My whole life, I’ve considered myself to be a creative free spirit and for a long time I resisted structure and systems, thinking that being too organized or planned out would inhibit my creative flow.

Of course, that all went out the window when I decided to bring my creative gifts to life as an entrepreneur!

Through my journey as a service provider and coach, I’ve found that having routines and structure built into every part of my life and business actually allows me even more freedom to play and explore.

 Turns out, structure isn’t a creativity killer, but actually a creativity booster!

 In this episode of The Support Squad, I’m sharing some key strategies for incorporating structure into your business to support creation and innovation.

 Listen in now if you’re a creative person that needs a little more organization OR if you’re someone that struggles with being creative and needs ideas to spark that energy!


 If you're creative, content creation could be part of what drew you to starting an online business. But if you don’t have a structure to support content creation, you might find yourself panic posting or not being consistent.

 Content Pillars:

I always recommend that you have 3 content pillars related to your business and 3 content pillars related to you personally. It could sound inhibiting to talk about the same things all the time, but it actually inspires creativity because you always have somewhere to start and you get to develop your own perspectives and ideas.

 Brain Dump:

Once you have your content pillars, do a brain dump of 20 different topics that you could talk about related to each content pillar. That way, next time you sit down to do a graphic or create a blog post, instead of having to pull something out of your head, you’ll have a list of topics. 

Business Back-end

CEO Days

A CEO is a day you spend cleaning up the backend of your business and making sure that everything is in order. This allows you to plan out blank space in your calendar for creation and thinking of new ideas. 

 There are things in our business that are necessary but not super fun. And if they're not scheduled, they're not going to get done! This can turn into anxiety and stress that zaps your creativity. 

Using canned emails and templates

Think for a minute about the emails you write on a regular basis. Writing takes creative energy  - you have to think about what to say, what kind of tone to use, how to connect with the person on the other end of that email. 

 I really recommend that you create templates for emails that you send on a regular basis. Stop crafting everything from scratch! The truth is: we can cultivate our creative energy, but at the same time, there's only so much of it to go around at a certain point.

Daily routines

 Schedule everything - including blank space

 I time block every second of my day. You might be thinking “That sounds really intense, why would you want to have your whole day scheduled? 

 The reason I schedule everything is because it allows me to plan huge blocks of blank space,. Because when you can schedule in detail, you can start to streamline and compartmentalize things, and then you realize, “Oh, I have all of this blank space!” 

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Ready to bring more sparkle & shine into your day-to-day?

 Join me August 25-27 for the Happy Business Reset - a FREE 3-day workshop to help you create a more happy, productive, and profitable service-based biz.

Each day you’ll get a workbook and a live training with me where we’ll cover a different area of your biz.

 From daily habits to your offers & clients to your marketing strategy.

 It’s time to get your happy back! Join us August 25-27. 

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