Ep. 091 Using the Enneagram as a Business Owner with Leslie Lyons


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It’s time to get personal...and maybe a little uncomfortable. 

If you’ve been listening to me for a while or if you’re in The Support Squad Membership or if you’ve coached with me, you know how much I emphasize self-discovery.

The more you can know about yourself and the way that your mind works, the better chances you have of building a successful business that is totally aligned with you. 

One of the most powerful tools I’ve used in my journey of self-discovery and healing throughout my time as an entrepreneur is the Enneagram. As you’ll hear in today’s episode, the Enneagram was so accurate that at first, it made me feel exposed and very uncomfortable. Now, I know how powerful it is as a tool for managing my personal relationships and in recognizing the places in my life where I can grow and heal.

My guest on the podcast today is Leslie Lyons, a sales and leadership coach for female entrepreneurs. When I heard about Leslie’s unique and powerful approach to using the Enneagram to teach women to sell more effectively and lead with their heart and head, I just knew I needed to meet her and introduce her to you! If you’re ready to take a good look at yourself, you’re going to love today’s episode. 

Tune in to hear:

  • What the Enneagram is and how to use it for your personal growth
  • How to recognize the "integrated" and "unintegrated" elements of your Enneagram type
  • How learning your Enneagram can help you to sell and lead more powerfully

Let me tell you a little bit about Leslie: 

Leslie Lyons is the Founder of Bombshell Movement Studio in Chicago, host of the Beyond the Pole: Tales from the CEO podcast, and a sales and leadership coach for female entrepreneurs. 

With a background in corporate sales, youth ministry (yes-she’s a Christian and the owner of a pole studio!), and as a leader for studio owners throughout the US, Leslie has spent her life pouring into women emotionally and spiritually. Now, more than ever, her dedication to helping entrepreneurial women lead with their heart and head is the exact type of leadership we need.

Connect with Leslie: Website | Instagram | Soulful Values Session | Take Leslie’s FREE Selling Quiz


How does the Enneagram work and how do we use it?

The Enneagram is a personality assessment. While some people may not be familiar with the Enneagram, most of us are familiar with some type of personality assessment. In corporate for me. It was the Myers-Briggs. 

It's similar in that way,  that it does help you identify your strengths. I categorize the Enneagram as a personality assessment. c

Recognizing the Integrated and Unintegrated Elements of Your Enneagram Type

Some models will call this healthy and unhealthy. I don't think those words are useful. I say integrated and integrated - meaning integrated when you are aware, when you are practicing, when you are mindful.  

When I'm integrated as an 8, this is what it looks like -  I'm making good choices,  I'm building bridges for other people, standing up for people. But the shadow of that is when I'm unintegrated - You look like a bully, you are inconsiderate. You can use people, you can see people as dispensable. 

It's kind of like a roadmap or a GPS of what's going on in my inner world. As a leader, I have to know if I'm operating from an integrated higher level, or if I'm at a base unintegrated level. And how this is impacting my sales and my growth in my business.

How do you find out what your Enneagram number is?

If I had my druthers, I would like for people to find it out on their own, as to be guided from a test. The resource that I put together for your listeners is actually a quiz. I want to give you a little guidance and then I want you to dig deeper on your own and not have an outside influence try to tell you who you are. I'd rather you discover it because the journey is what's so powerful. The quiz will help you figure out which of those you fall into. 

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