Ep. 058 Why Virtual Assistants Need a Daily Networking Strategy
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Tired of getting turned down for #jobopps and chasing down clients for your virtual assistant business?
Creating a daily networking strategy will help you build a web of connections that will allow you to attract clients with ease.
Today I'm sharing why virtual assistants need a daily networking strategy and some tips for getting started.
Tune in to hear:
- The difference between networking and applying for job postings
- My own personal networking journey
- Where to network online
- How to implement a daily networking strategy
Why you should be networking, not just applying for #jobopps
When all you do is apply for job postings, if the potential client doesn't choose you as their virtual assistant, the door closes, and the time you spent applying was wasted. You will rarely stay in touch with someone who has gone with a different virtual assistant.
Networking opens a door...and the door stays open.
What networking is:
Networking is making genuine connections with the intention of building a mutually beneficial relationship.
What networking isn't:
Cold messaging, spammy DMs, or applying for job postings.
How to get started:
- Find out where your ideal client hangs out (Instagram, Facebook Groups, LinkedIn)
- Optimize your profile
- Schedule daily networking time
- Create a follow-up plan