Ep. 065 3 Steps to Turn Your Existing Skills into an Online Business


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When you hear that it's possible to turn your existing skills into an online business as a virtual assistant, it can be hard to fill in the dots. How does my past experience as a preschool teacher translate to the online space?

It's all about looking back at times when you innovated or created something that made your life or someone else's life easier and figuring out the steps you need to take to bring that skill to life online.

In this episode of The Support Squad, I'm sharing my 3 Steps to Turn Your Existing Skills into an Online Business.

Tune in to hear:

πŸ’Ž How to determine which of your skills could be most valuable

πŸ’Ž The process for leveraging your skills into in-demand services

πŸ’Ž How to set yourself up for scaling and refining your services

Step 1: Identify Your Natural Skills & Strengths

First, I want you to sit down with a pen & paper and reflect on your past work & life experience. Where have you created or innovated something that made your life or someone else's life easier?

Step 2: Match Your Skills with Virtual Services

Download my free e-book and start to make connections between your natural skills and the hundreds of services that virtual assistants can offer.

Step 3: Refine, Package, & Scale Your Services

Learn the tech pieces that will help you to provide great service to your clients. YouTube and Google are your friends!

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