Ep. 079 The 9-Point Speech Formula that Converts Audiences to Clients with Dr. Megan Fisk


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When you think about virtual assistants, the phrase “public speaking” might not be the first thing that comes to mind. 

A lot of us start our businesses thinking that we can hide behind email and our websites, and that we’ll never have to step out of our comfort zone by actually speaking. 

It is true that it is possible to find clients without ever showing our face, but I know through experience that the more we are sharing ourselves, our stories, and our expertise on places like Instagram Stories, Facebook Live, TikTok, and podcasts & summits, the more we stand out as experts in our niche. 

On today’s episode of The Support Squad Podcast, I’m chatting with Dr. Megan Fisk, a public speaking coach and an expert on empowering women to craft their message and share their stories. If you’re wondering how you can use your own personal stories to sell your services to clients, you’re going to love this episode!

Let me tell you a little bit about Dr. Megan Fisk:

Dr. Megan Fisk is on a mission to elevate soul-led entrepreneurs' voices in communities throughout the world, so they can inspire more clients through their services and courses.

Primarily, she works with established coaches, teachers and healers to use public speaking as their main attraction marketing strategy by consistently going live, speaking on podcasts, and being part of summits.

As a gemini with a PhD in Communication, she uses her 10 years of experience as a college professor and her intuition to demystify the speech crafting process for her clients so they can build confidence, motivate audiences of all sizes with their message, and earn more revenue.

Megan has taught over 40 university courses on communication and leadership, as well as held numerous workshops for teens and adults around the world. She holds a PhD in Communication from Arizona State University. In her free time, she enjoys practicing and sharing yoga and traveling internationally.

Connect with Dr. Megan Fisk: Facebook | Instagram | LinkedIn | Facebook Group

Tune in to hear: 

  • How humans are natural storytellers and how our stories can be one of the most powerful tools we can use for sales
  • The 3 types of stories we use as business owners
  • Dr. Megan’s 9-point speech formula that converts audiences into clients
  • Why it’s especially important for service providers to share their story

Highlights from this episode:

On humans being natural storytellers: 

“Human beings are storytellers. We have this innate need to tell a story to make the world make sense. 

If you've done any sort of mindset coaching, everyone always says ‘The story that you're telling yourself.’  Because we tell ourselves these stories constantly, and it is how we connect and relate to others.

When we're connecting the dots for sales,  stories are our most persuasive element.”

On the 3 types of stories that we use as business owners:

"The Founder's Story that I just shared at the beginning is one that everyone really needs. Why did you start what you're doing? 

It's going to be the number one asked question - when you go on podcasts, when you're writing your “About Me” page. Really knowing your founding story is super important. 

The second one is your Aha! Moment, either for yourself or for your clients. When was that Aha! Moment where everything kind of clicked and came together. 

I've got a story that I share around when I knew that I was a really talented public speaker when I knew “Oh, wait, I think I’m really connecting with my audience and really feeling that energetic exchange that happens when people are really listening to what you're saying.”

Then the third type is a Client Transformation story. Being able to show where someone starts with you, what you did in the middle, and how you got them the results. That's really your moneymaker there, right? To be able to say, I take people who really don't like public speaking and make it super fun and easy so they can make more sales in their business." 

Why it’s especially important for service providers to share their story

"I've worked with a couple of virtual assistants and OBMs in the past. You might think that your clients don't care necessarily about you and your backstory, but they do so much. 

That's what they're going to relate to. Your unique selling point is absolutely your story. 

The one thing I always like everyone to know is your voice is important and it does have the ability to change someone's life. Even if you think “I'm no one, no one really cares, whatever.”  

That's not the case. Your ideal clients need to know your story to buy from you."

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