Ep. 046 Lessons from Rebranding - My Mistakes & Triumphs


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Rebranding is a lot of work, but sometimes it’s necessary. When done intentionally and strategically, a little brand facelift can help you gain clarity and majorly boost your business. 

However, take it from me, who just went through a massive rebranding - there are some things you should know before you take on such an enormous project.

I’m Sharon Nissen, a virtual assistant mentor and the creator of The Support Squad. My mission is to help women build happy online businesses and find more ease, joy, & profit. Today, I’m going to take you through 3 of my biggest lessons and 2 of my biggest triumphs throughout my recent rebranding process. 

Lesson 1: Do it right the first time!

Lesson one that I learned throughout my rebrand is that you don't wanna do a rebrand. You want to get your branding right from the start!

I see a lot of virtual assistants dive into their branding, and start pulling inspiration from everywhere, and what they end up with is a jumbled mess. 

Before you get started on choosing fonts and colors, building your website, and putting together your Instagram feed, make sure you get really clear on who you're serving, and what kinds of branding will attract them. This is a step you cannot miss. 

One thing I encourage you to do is to look at Instagram profiles of some people that might fit your ideal client avatar. Then look at the people they're following and engaging with. What do those people's brands look like? What are some of the elements that you see? What are some of the themes you see coming up again and again?

Lesson 2: Keep it simple

 Oh my gosh, if I've learned anything, it's that. 

When I first created my branding for The Support Squad, I thought everything had to be so complicated! I thought my logo needed to be complicated. I thought that every graphic needed to be complicated. I felt like I had to create a completely different format each time I did a new podcast or blog.  

Find a system that works, and stick to it.  You don't wanna keep reinventing the wheel.

 There's another reason that this is really important: you want to make sure that if you are building an audience online that your branding is consistent. It's hard to do that if you're overcomplicating everything! 

Each time you create something for your brand, make sure that it's something that's gonna work for you for a long time. Keep things simple so that you can duplicate processes again and again.

Lesson 3: Create a personal brand

Instead of hiding behind The Support Squad brand, I wish that I had established myself as the personality and face of my brand.Then The Support Squad be just one thing that I do, because as I'm moving along in my business, there are a lot of ways that I wanna support people in a deeper or in a different way, and it's hard for me to do that when people only know me through The Support Squad. 

Keep that in mind when you're building your brand. Don't base all of your branding and all of your decisions off of one offering. It will hold you back when it's time to grow. 

What's best is to make yourself a recognizable personality, expert, and authority. People hire and buy people, and that's how you build an audience that over time will buy from you again, and again, and again.

Triumph 1: Systems are key!

The only way that I pulled this rebrand off was by getting into Trello, creating a project plan, setting deadlines for myself, and knowing each step of the way what the next part of the process was. 

I mapped it all out beginning to end at the beginning of the month, because I knew that if I just was randomly working on things that it wasn't going to get done. This is a lesson that shows up in my business again and again.  

Get a system, set deadlines for yourself. You can't just willy-nilly cobble things together, because then what's gonna happen is the same thing I talked about before. Things aren't gonna be consistent. You're gonna waste time, and hello! Time is money. We don't wanna waste that stuff, okay? 

Triumph 2: Rebranding is invigorating 

Rebranding is invigorating. I feel so much energy, and joy, and ease about my business now, because I've simplified things so much.  

I am so excited to think about all of the people that are gonna come across my website, are gonna join the Membership Community, because I feel that finally, I've created a container that will really hold and support you guys in a beautiful way. 

I wanted it to feel beautiful, and supportive, and make you feel happy and hopeful about your business, and I hope that it does that!

If you want to dive deeper into our thriving virtual assistant community, here’s what’s coming up in the membership this month: 

Email Marketing strategist Dani Stratmann is sharing a training on how to start your email list, build a welcome sequence that converts, and use your list down the line to upsell and cross-sell your passive income products. 

Our bonus goodies this month are a Virtual Assistant’s Guide to Email Marketing and a set of templates to create beautiful branded Instagram highlight covers.

And of course, we’ll have 2 live coaching calls where we’ll deep dive into this month’s content and I’ll personally answer questions about all things virtual assistant-related.

Click here to sign up for a free trial.

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