Ep. 082 How to Transition from General Virtual Assistant to a Content/Copywriting Virtual Assistant with Quiana Darden


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Have you been thinking about specializing in content or copywriting in your virtual assistant business?

Writing is an incredibly in-demand and valuable skill, and no one knows this niche better than freelance writing coach Quiana Darden!

 On today’s episode of The Support Squad, Quiana is here to tell us all about her journey from general virtual assistant to content writer and how it has helped her earn more while working less. If you’ve been thinking about putting your writing skills to use, this episode is for you! 

Tune in to hear:

  • Quiana’s journey from general virtual assistant to freelance writer
  • The difference that having a valuable niche has made in Quiana’s confidence and income
  • How Quiana found her niche within the content writing space 
  • Why having a specialty like writing has helped Quiana earn more and work less

Let me tell you a little bit about Quiana Darden:

Quiana is a freelance writing coach helping aspiring writers learn how to launch a writing business making a full-time income while working part-time hours.

Why the focus on making more money in less time? Because that's been the foundation of her business.

She launched her writing business while working as an elementary school teacher, and within 6 months she was able to replace her full-time salary and resign from her job. Now, she homeschools her 6-year old daughter and works no more than 25 hours per week writing for clients.

As a freelance writer who has written for online publications that get over 12M readers per month, a New York Time’s Best Selling Author, over 20 credit unions and banks and countless go-to industry experts, Quiana has first hand knowledge of how to book the high paying clients that help you work less hours and make more money.

Connect with Quiana:

Website | Instagram | Cold Pitch Strategy Case Study

On Quiana’s journey from general virtual assistant to freelance writer

“I feel like others treated me differently when I said that I was a content marketing writer versus a virtual assistant. 

I found that how much I was able to charge for my services was much more when I said that I was a content marketing writer versus a virtual assistant.  

It made me feel more confident and….like I was really stepping into the next level of my business journey. And so I really liked the transition.”

On finding a niche within a niche:

“I started to really dive deep into the world of SEO. And so not only was I able to say that I'm a content marketing writer, but I'm also an SEO specialist, which is a whole nother niche to get into within writing that makes you even more of a specialist. 

So not just niching down into writing, but also niching into the world of SEO took it to another level.”

On how she earns more while working less as a writer:

”When I was a virtual assistant, I was charging  $35 an hour for my work. And I would have 10-hour a month packages or whatever it might be. 

Now I do strictly project-based work. Most of the clients that I'm working with, I'm making over a hundred dollars per hour. I'm making way more while working fewer hours with how my business is set up now.”

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